Meet the DE&A Team

Meet Your Consulting Experts

Justin G. Reaves

Managing Director

Justin G. Reaves is an influential leader and pivotal decision-maker with substantial expertise in navigating organizations toward success, bringing nearly 20 years of experience driving growth by translating complex data into real-world actionable insights for businesses. He does so by guiding and enabling high-powered teams while developing, implementing, and executing corporate strategies leading to desirable results.

He is frequently sought after to collaborate with an array of organizations in various industries, Boards of Directors, and senior management teams to evaluate the current financial position, technology, and processes, develop gap analysis, and advise on future state organizational structure, strategy, and technology solutions—many of which involved Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems. Justin also takes great care to ensure his collaborative customer-centric approach is thoroughly integrated into solutions.

From the earliest days of his journey as a staff accountant at a Top Six international accounting firm, all the way to Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of a large healthcare organization, Justin has always been intrigued and motivated by uncovering the compelling story behind data and how to convert it into actionable intelligence. Transforming data into narratives and strategies has allowed him to empower multidisciplinary teams to formulate data-driven solutions.

During his two decades in Finance, Accounting, Consulting, and Investment Banking, Justin has developed best-in-class processes and comprehensive financial solutions that frequently leverage sophisticated tools, software, and IT infrastructure.

Daniel Eke

DE&A founder and managing partner

Daniel Eke is the founder and managing partner of Daniel Eke and Associates, PC, bringing over 20 years of extensive audit experience, especially within the federal sector.

Mr Eke has led numerous large and complex federal advisory and consulting projects, managing everything from financial statement audits to internal control assessments and compliance with Government Auditing Standards. His skill set covers CFO Act audits, performance auditing, and developing accounting systems, and internal controls.

He earned his MBA in Finance from Southeastern University and a BS in Accounting from the University of New Orleans. Mr Eke is a Certified Public Accountant and Government Financial Manager. Before founding DE&A in 1991, he gained valuable experience as a senior manager at Thompson, Cobb, Bazilio & Associates and as a senior accountant at Watson, Rice, and Company.

His work included projects with the Department of Defense, the US Navy, and the Department of Transportation. Mr Eke has also handled financial and compliance audits for nonprofits, state and local governments, and commercial entities.

His in-depth understanding of the CFO Act, FMFIA, OMB Circulars, GAAP, GAAS, and GAS makes Mr Eke a trusted expert in his field.

Have a question for a member of the team? Don’t hesitate to reach out!